Advocating for
and educating
SC small business owners

1How is the Mom and Pop Alliance different from the Chamber of Commerce?
The Chamber's scope is broader, with their focus often geared toward big business, while we are targeted exclusively to the needs of smaller businesses. On issues on which we are aligned, we would look forward to collaborating with the Chamber.
2What types of businesses are eligible to join?
Membership is open to all types of family and small businesses (regardless of the number of employees) including privately owned corporations, partnerships, and sole proprietorships.
3Can a non-business owner support the mission of Mom and Pop Alliance?
Yes! You can become a “friend of Mom and Pop” through our ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP. Anyone who wants to support small businesses and the promotion of entrepreneurship at the state level in SC can join for $100/year. We also have memberships for Seniors (65+) and retired/active Military for $65/year.
4What will membership dues be used for?
As the founders donate their time, we can offer our membership for a nominal fee. The funds from membership dues support general operating expenses, like tech support, printing, billboards and other media campaigns, legal advice, general overhead, etc.
5How and why was the Mom and Pop Alliance conceived?
As business owners, we are passionate about supporting entrepreneurs. Learning from SC lawmakers that there was a real lack of representation for small business owners in state government, we saw a need to bring SC’s Mom and Pop business owners together, knowing there is strength in numbers. This association was created to help our elected officials better understand the needs and desires of SC's small business owners by hearing from us directly as we speak with one voice.
6Is the Mom and Pop Alliance affiliated with the government or a political party?
The Mom and Pop Alliance is an independent association, not affiliated with any governmental agency, and takes NO governmental funding. We are a true grass roots organization, NOT affiliated with any political party, special interest group, or organization. We exist to educate and advocate on behalf of all small businesses of the Palmetto State.
7What is included with my membership?
As a member of the Mom and Pop Alliance, you:
- Receive early invites to Mom and Pop events and educational forums
- Have access to the website, a secure and private platform through which to share ideas regarding business permitting
- Receive periodic newsletters with up-to-date information about issues that matter to small business owners in our state
- Are part of a larger community, making an impact in support of all entrepreneurs in South Carolina
8Will my membership information be kept confidential?
The Mom and Pop Alliance greatly values your privacy. Our default position is to keep your membership with us anonymous. However, if you would like to have your business highlighted on our Facebook page, we would be happy to do that, with your permission. Also, we have members who would like to get to know other members. If that is you, please let us know and we will share your info with other members.
Who We Are
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Incididunt ut labore
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